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Top SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) Solutions - United States

SaaS security posture management (SSPM) solutions represent a new wave of automated security tools designed to monitor and mitigate security risks in software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. These platforms play a crucial role in minimizing the likelihood of sensitive data leaks and preventing unauthorized access to an organization's SaaS environments. SSPM tools are adept at identifying misconfigurations, compliance risks, and overly permissive user settings, and many also flag inactive or redundant user accounts. While SaaS applications offer enhanced convenience, productivity, and scalability, their remote hosting places them outside of an organization's direct control, heightening the risk of unauthorized data access and leaks. SSPM tools are essential for safeguarding against these risks and strengthening an organization's overall SaaS security posture.

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Netskope is the leader in cloud security — we help the world’s largest organizations take advantage of cloud and web without sacrificing security. Our Cloud XD™ technology targets and controls activities across any cloud service or website and customers get 360-degree data and threat protection that...



DoControl provides organizations with the automated, self-service tools they require for Software as a Service (SaaS) application data access monitoring, orchestration, and remediation. The solution uncovers all SaaS users, 3rd party collaborators, assets/metadata, OAuth apps, groups, and activity e...

Nudge Security

Nudge Security

Nudge Security continuously discovers and inventories every cloud and SaaS application your employees use at work, including shadow IT, so you can understand and manage your SaaS security posture. Nudge Security helps busy security and IT teams work more efficiently with automated playbooks that acc...



Automate the control of all the SaaS applications used by your team. From app inventory to upgrading your authentication methods, our automations give you a much needed relief in controlling SaaS sprawl. - Minimize SaaS Surface Attack - Pragmatic Security Awareness - Upgrading Authentication Securit...

Valence Security

Valence Security

Valence Security offers a SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solution with collaborative remediation workflows that engage with business users to contextualize and reduce SaaS data sharing, supply chain, identity, and misconfiguration risks. With Valence, security teams can secure their critica...



Ploy helps ambitious companies automate their SaaS identities from onboarding to offboarding and everything in between.

Adaptive Shield

Adaptive Shield

Adaptive Shield, a leader in SaaS Security, enables security teams to secure their entire SaaS stack through threat prevention, detection, and response. With Adaptive Shield, organizations continuously manage and control all SaaS apps, including 3rd-party connected apps, as well as govern all SaaS u...

Wing Security

Wing Security

Wing empowers organizations to harness the full potential of SaaS while ensuring a robust security posture. Our SSPM solution offers unparalleled visibility, control, and compliance capabilities, strengthening any organization's defense against modern SaaS-related threats. With Wing’s automated secu...

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