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Top Retail Assortment Planning Software - United States

Retail assortment planning software enables offline retailers to design an in-store merchandise mix (variety of products) and depth (number of SKUs or items within each category) that aligns with customer expectations and demand. By ensuring the right assortment is available at the right store, it maximizes sales potential. This software gathers and analyzes data on customer preferences, past purchase behavior, and reactions to discounts and promotions, aiding in the optimal stocking of inventory for each store. Additionally, retail assortment planning software can be integrated with retail POS and inventory control systems to capture and analyze store-level data such as sales figures, customer information, and inventory levels. These insights are essential for effective assortment planning at each store. The software also helps manage inventory by reducing out-of-stocks, preventing stock-outs, and identifying bestsellers, thus supporting better inventory planning and purchasing decisions.

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Syte is a product discovery platform specifically engineered for eCommerce applications. It utilises visual AI to enhance various eCommerce activities, including visual search, personalization, and automated product tagging. Syte aims to connect shoppers with products by providing a visual search e... is one of the world’s first general-purpose AI platforms that enables large enterprises around the world to build a wide range of AI-enabled applications across workflows and functions. delivers value unlike any other point solution bringing together image, video, and text data from ac...

First Insight

First Insight

First Insight offers a next-gen decision platform that enables designers, merchants, brand managers, buyers, and marketing teams to answer the key questions they face every day by engaging consumers with digital surveys specifically designed for the retail industry. Retail leaders use First Insight’...

SPS Commerce

SPS Commerce

SPS Commerce Analytics empowers you with a single source of sell-through data so you can make faster, better decisions for your business. Forecast, plan and execute with precision to increase sales, optimize inventory and develop strategic relationships with buyers. With SPS Analytics, you gain acce...

Style Arcade

Style Arcade

For fashion and apparel brands who want to grow faster, Style Arcade is a retail analytics platform that turns merchandising into a competitive advantage.​Instead of relying on inaccessible systems; manual processes; and unreliable projections – Style Arcade unlocks merchandise data and proactively ...



MakerSights is the only assortment management workspace, empowering retail brands to take a consumer-obsessed approach to product strategy and enabling them to create more products that people love – and less of what they don’t. The MakerSights Workspace unites cross-functional teams, from design an...



Toolio is a cloud-based Merchandising Platform that automates critical workflows, provides real-time insights, and enables remote collaboration. We empower retailers to save time and make faster, data-driven merchandising decisions that lead to inventory optimization, increased profitability, and re...



Peak is an AI company that provides the platform, applications and services to help businesses harness the potential of AI to grow revenues, increase profits and increase efficiency. Peak’s cloud AI platform provides a broad feature set that enables technical and commercial teams to build, deploy a...

QL2 Software

QL2 Software

QL2 Software, LLC has been a pioneer in the competitive data market, providing web data extraction and analysis to customers in many travel and retail industries. QL2 delivers true competitive advantage through on-demand data acquisition, price monitoring, assortment optimization, product matching, ...

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