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Top Cloud Detection and Response (CDR) Software - United States

Cloud Detection and Response (CDR) software offers comprehensive security for cloud environments by automating threat detection and response. This technology ensures that companies have full visibility into their cloud systems and includes mechanisms to address threats and attacks across both cloud applications (SaaS) and infrastructure (IaaS). By analyzing event logs and extracting insights from attacks, CDR helps security teams enhance their overall security posture. While CDR software shares features with other threat detection and response solutions like Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR), Extended Detection & Response (XDR), and Network Detection & Response (NDR), it remains distinct in its focus. EDR targets activity monitoring at system endpoints, and NDR is dedicated to securing network environments. XDR, with its broader scope, monitors networks, endpoints, cloud services, and virtual environments. In contrast, CDR is solely dedicated to monitoring and securing the entire cloud environment.

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Wiz transforms cloud security for customers – including 40% of the Fortune 100 – by enabling a new operating model. With Wiz, organizations can democratize security across the cloud lifecycle, empowering development teams to build fast and securely. Its Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (...



ExtraHop is the cybersecurity partner enterprises trust to reveal cyber risk and build business resilience. The ExtraHop RevealX platform for network detection and response and network performance management uniquely delivers the instant visibility and unparalleled decryption capabilities organizati...



Sysdig Secure is our CNAPP platform that more than 700 enterprise customers use to address CNAPP, VM, CSPM, CIEM, container security and more - at enterprise scale. Our platform spans prevention, detection, and response so customers can confidently secure containers, Kubernetes, hosts/servers, and c...

Sonrai Security

Sonrai Security

Sonrai Security is a leading public cloud identity and access management solutions provider. With a mission to empower enterprises of all sizes to innovate securely and confidently, Sonrai Security delivers identity, access, and permissions security for companies running on AWS, Azure, and Google Cl...

Orca Security

Orca Security

The Orca Cloud Security Platform identifies, prioritizes, and remediates risks and compliance issues in workloads, configurations, and identities across your cloud estate spanning AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Alibaba Cloud, and Oracle Cloud. Orca offers the industry’s most comprehensive clo...

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